2019 Roadway Fatalities Down

A recent study about deaths on U.S. roadways concluded that the numbers were down again in 2019. This marks two consecutive years, dating back to 2017, where the number of deaths due to accidents dropped slightly. Similarly, the same report states that serious injury, meaning a medical professional consulted an injured person, had slightly dropped from 2018 – 2019. Obviously, a drop in injury and death marks a positive change for U.S. roadways and drivers. However, the numbers are still high, and injury, death, and or damages all cost drivers something. This post will highlight some important numbers from the report and what they mean for drivers.

2019 Roadway Injury And Death Numbers

Finding cheap auto insurance helps you in case of an accident.

As stated above, 2019’s numbers for death and injury on U.S. roadways had about a 2% decrease each respectively. The National Safety Council, NSC, has not released the actual numbers of deaths for 2019 but rather an estimate. The estimated number of deaths for 2019 was 38,800, down from a year before at 39, 404. For serious injuries, the estimated total number came out to be 4,423,000, a two percent decrease from 2018. While the decreases are good, certainly we all need to do a lot better. Additionally, people without the right auto insurance coverage might be left with a large bill to pay as well.

Finding The Right Coverage

Included in the NSC’s report were estimated costs for injury, death, and repair expenses. The NSC’s estimate came out to be $400.4 billion, surprisingly a decrease of 3% from 2018. Although a decrease is a positive sign, if you find yourself in a collision without coverage, your situation becomes worse. If you need to find coverage, shopping for quotes online is fast, easy and convenient for you. We can help you find cheap auto insurance coverage so that an accident does not bankrupt you. 

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