Payment Options For Car Insurance

In Illinois, drivers are required by law  to carry at least liability car insurance. Of course drivers have the option to add additional coverage, but they would also pay more. So, when it comes to paying your policy drivers have a few options. One option drivers have is to pay the entire policy in full, they could pay the first 6-months right away and the rest after, or go on a monthly basis. But what option would be best for drivers, and which payment option would help them save some money. The goal of this post is to inform policy holders what payment option could help them save money. 


Still a popular option is the month-to-month payment plan. While popular, this option does have some drawbacks. Some companies charge additional fees for this payment plan. However, this option is great for people tight on cash.

Before you pay, it helps to shop for car insurance quotes to ensure you aren’t over paying

Six Month Installments

Another popular option for drivers is paying for half or their years coverage right away. This option helps you avoid monthly payments and might give you some time to reevaluate your insurance policy. One drawback from this option is that your rates might go up after the 6 month period as insurers may charge you slightly more. 


Lastly, drivers have the option to pay their entire policy in full. For those who can afford it, paying in full helps a driver avoid having their rates change at any point. Additionally, depending on which company you go with, there may be a discount for drivers who pay in full on their policy. 

Take Home Message

Whether you go with a month-to-month, six month, or paid-in-full option, you will need car insurance if you plan on driving in Illinois. Always check your policy terms and payment options to see how much you could save. And, of course, drivers should always shop around for car insurance quotes to find their most affordable option. 

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