Car insurance is not only an important thing to have but something all drivers in Illinois must have to drive legally. In order to operate any vehicle in Illinois, a driver must carry proof of car insurance, which means they will need to find a policy. Before shopping for car insurance quotes you may be wondering what information you may need to complete a quote. Whether you shop for cheap car insurance quotes online or at a local broker, you will need to bring your vehicle’s information and driving and insurance history.
Necessary Vehicle Information
One of the best ways to find cheap car insurance quotes is to get online and search, but heading into a broker is just as good. Either way, you do it, you will be asked for several pieces of information about your car and your personal driving and insurance history. The vehicle information needed includes:
- VIN or Vehicle Identification Number
- Car make
- Car model
- Engine type
- Body type
- Use of vehicle (pleasure, business, etc.)
Driving and Insurance History
Another key component to formulating a car insurance quote is the driver’s history, meaning their previous claims and current insurers. To ensure a customer is getting the cheapest car insurance quote possible, agencies try to get as much information about their history. Agencies determine a driver’s risk level by taking into account how many claims or accidents they’ve been in and how much coverage they were carrying.
- Any previous claims
- Whether you currently are insured
- What your coverage limits are
- Whether you fully own the vehicle
- Driver’s license number
- Tickets and accidents in the past
Take-Home Message
As you can tell, there is quite a bit of information you should have with you when shopping for cheap car insurance quotes. Whether you shop online or at an agency near you, you will be asked for the above information.